Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pump decisions

this sucks. i'm not sure how i want to deal with the situation yet. the situation is...... i need insulin. :-(
i have basically two options, well actually three. 1- multiple daily injections. 2-insulin pump. 3-no insulin and slowly starve to death. there are really no good options, but i guess the first two are not as bad as 3.

1- MDI
1.not attached to a machine
2. can wear whatever i want and not worry about the pump and tubing
3. will not get caught in door knobs
4. no issue with scaring
5. no worries about bad infusion sites.
6. less testing
7. harder to obsessively treat BG
1. not very precise dosing
2. multiple, sometimes painful injections
3. injections more likely to bruise
4. more math
5. harder to correct high BG
6. lantus injections sometimes burn going in
7. i need a lot more insulin- possible weight gain

1. very precise dosing
2. flexible basal rate- can adjust throughout day
2b. possibly fewer hypos
3. theoretically better control, not sure if i buy it
4. less insulin
5. wizard help
6. keeps track of everything, including IOB
7. easier to bolus in public- no needles
8. easier to correct high BG
1. its ugly
2. i hate the tubing- it gets caught everywhere
3. hard to wear dresses
4. it makes me much more obsessive about my BG numbers
5. i hate it beeping at me all of the time
6. scar tissue
7. worry about infusion site problems

Not really sure how to decide. If I felt that the pump would in the long run give me better BG control for sure, then it would be an easier decision.... but I'm not convinced.